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newest version: TSCV 0.84 rel 2
TSCV Downloads
All downloads which are not linked are just premade ones. I will fill the links soon !!
Windows XP Users: You need the EXTRACT.EXE in your Windows Folder if you want to use the Autoupdate-Function in TSCV !! You can find it here!
Newest TSCV Full Version

TSCV 0.84 Full Setup Version of TSCV included:
TSCV 0.84 Release 1
VCDImager 0.7.12
mjpegtools mplex 1.5.4
CDRDAO 1.1.5
CDi-Files for VCD
Help Files
TSCV Language-Files
ChapterXtractor PlugIn
(S)VCD Creation Wizard PlugIn
Tool-Bar PlugIn
TSCV Releases

TSCV 0.84 Rel. 1
Only the exe file of the TSCV 0.84 Rel. 1
TSCV 0.84 Rel. 2 Only the exe file of the TSCV 0.84 Rel. 2
TSCV Plugins

(S)VCD Creation Wizard 0.4 PlugIn Wizard (Works only with TSCV 0.82 Rel 4 or higher)
Job Control PlugIn 0.1 PlugIn JobControl (Works only with TSCV 0.82 Rel 5 or higher)
ChapterXtractor PlugIn 0.3 PlugIn to import Chapters from ChapterXtractor
SmartRipper PlugIn 0.2 PlugIn to import Chapters from SmartRipper
TTooLDB PlugIn 0.1 PlugIn to import Chapters from www.TTooL.de
CDAudio PlugIn 0.2 PlugIn to create toc files for CDRDAO
TaskBar PlugIn 0.2 TaskBar PlugIn for TSCV with most used Options
DVD.Master(DVC2) PlugIn 0.1 PlugIn to capture with a DVD.Master (DVC2) - MPEG Card
Simple Database PlugIn 0.2 PlugIn to add your (S)VCDs to a database
BMPChanger PlugIn 0.1 PlugIn to resize BMPs
PlugIn Demo Demo PlugIn and Guide to write your own PlugIns for TSCV
TSCV Tools

TSCV Help File
The TSCV Help File.I will annouce if there is a new one in the Forum.
TSCV Help File (Narusagawa) Narusagawa's TSCV Help File. (2001/12/05)
TSCV Splash Screen The TSCV Splash Screen for those who asked.
TSCV Language Files

All Languages
All TSCV Languages files. Unzip it into the tscv\language folder.
Danish Language Translation by Thoth
Dutch Language Translation by Level 42 mail: huijts@westbrabant.net
English Language Translation by TTooL mail: ttool@ttool.de
French Language Translation by Gossman mail: eric_goss@hotmail.com
German Language Translation by TTooL mail: ttool@ttool.de
Hebrew Language Translation by Sefy and Roy mail: sefy@nettaxi.com
Italian Language Translation by Raptor mail: raptor@videoin.f2s.com
Portuguese Language Translated by Roberto Pacheco de Andradel mail: robertop@infonet.com.br
Spanish Language Translation by Rafael mail: Warper4@hotmail.com

VFAPIReader 1.04EN
includes VFAPI Reader Codec
CDRDAO v1.1.5 CD-Burnprogram
VCDImager v0.7.12 VCDImager v0.7.12
bbMPEG 12417 bbMPEG is a mpeg encoder and multiplex tool
extract.exe Needed for TSCV-Autoupdate when your OS is XP/Win2000. Has to be in the Windows-Folder
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